Wednesday, July 13, 2011

~What to expect when there are expectations~

According to my good friend google the definition of the word "expectation" is this:
1. A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
2. A belief that someone will or should achieve something
my personal definition of the word expectation can be summed up with one other word; pressure.
This pressure and expectation can be both a welcomed and unwelcomed feeling. At times it can make one rise to the occasion and propel them to success, other times it can cause cracks of uncertainty causing ones campaign to crumble. as my departure date gets closer and closer the pressure is on, the more I talk to people the more others expectations are building about my year in africa. there have been predictions of life changing events, possible weight loss, fun, heartbreaking encounters with the local living situations, discomfort, joy, and the difficulty of coming home. these are all obviously expectations I've had for myself, but when they come from outside sources they become a different beast, they become that much more possible or impossible. here is what I am focusing on this next year, the expectation of change. I expect to change somewhat as a person, how much and in what ways will have to wait to be seen until the year is over. I expect to make a difference, how big or small will be up to me and my opportunities in south africa. no matter where the expectations come from the pressure is there and must be responded to. how it all turns out will have to wait until july 2012 when I return and can better communicate what I worked with, accomplished and changed in my year in south africa. Until then there are still questions, still expectations, and the lingering pressure to succeed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

~Later Atlanta~

I'm not gonna lie to you Atlanta, you and I have had a rocky relationship...

I moved to Atlanta after graduating from FSU and becoming a certified ATC. I had gotten into GSU's Sports Medicine masters program and also hired by the GSU sports med department to be a Graduate Assistant ATC and work with the softball team. After two years with that group of softball girls I can honestly say that they are the hardest things to walk away from here in Atlanta. I watched them struggle and I watched them win championships. They made me laugh till I cried and they frustrated the hell out of me. But, I love them all to death and hope that they will all reappear in my life down the line :)

I was lucky that my aunt marla, uncle billy, and cousin amelia also moved to Atlanta a year after I did. I don't know if I would have made it through these two years without them here...

I learned a lot these two years in Atlanta. I learned a lot as an ATC and as a growing adult. I faced a lot of challenges and a lot of bad luck. But I also met some great people and had some fun times. I couldn't have gotten through work life without Amanda, David, and Mel among others... and then there's Dawn, who got me through one of the toughtest times in my life and who was a huge part of my time in Atlanta! Also, Deanna, Melissa, Tiff, Emily, Christine, and whoever else I may have missed that believe me I don't mean to.

Instead of taking a traditional route in an ATCs career I decided to do something different. I applied and was excepted into the Young Adults in Global Missions program through the ELCA and I was placed in South Africa. I will be serving in a place called the Kenosis Communtiy outside of Pietermartzinburg, South Africa on the south east side of the country. I have little to no idea exactly where I'll be living or what I'll be doing but I am excited to find out :) I know that my skills as a healthcare provider can and will be utilized and my passion for educating on the HIV/AIDS epidemic will also be a big part of my experience. I will be in South Africa for a year at least and I leave August 24th.

Until I leave for Africa I will be living with my parents in South Carolina and trying to find a temporary home for my two cute cats Dobson and Wrigley and preparing myself for this year away from family, friends, and everything that is familiar to me... but you gotta admit, a year in Africa... thats gonna be dern cool :)

So... farewell Atlanta! We've been an interesting pair, but I must say that if you taught me one important lesson it is that it truly is the people that make the place and the people I've met in Atlanta have been amazing...