1. A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
2. A belief that someone will or should achieve something
my personal definition of the word expectation can be summed up with one other word; pressure.
This pressure and expectation can be both a welcomed and unwelcomed feeling. At times it can make one rise to the occasion and propel them to success, other times it can cause cracks of uncertainty causing ones campaign to crumble. as my departure date gets closer and closer the pressure is on, the more I talk to people the more others expectations are building about my year in africa. there have been predictions of life changing events, possible weight loss, fun, heartbreaking encounters with the local living situations, discomfort, joy, and the difficulty of coming home. these are all obviously expectations I've had for myself, but when they come from outside sources they become a different beast, they become that much more possible or impossible. here is what I am focusing on this next year, the expectation of change. I expect to change somewhat as a person, how much and in what ways will have to wait to be seen until the year is over. I expect to make a difference, how big or small will be up to me and my opportunities in south africa. no matter where the expectations come from the pressure is there and must be responded to. how it all turns out will have to wait until july 2012 when I return and can better communicate what I worked with, accomplished and changed in my year in south africa. Until then there are still questions, still expectations, and the lingering pressure to succeed.